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Affiliate marketing - E-commerce platform business at Binh Duong - Mtv điện Máy Hữu Tiến

8,000,000 - 12,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    2 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 3 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

Huu Tien Electrical Store is a reputable unit specializing in supplying and retailing products for construction/projects and family life. With many years of experience in the industry
With the desire to develop strongly and expand scale, Huu Tien Electromechanics needs to find a team of talented and enthusiastic personnel.

Online sales specialist:
- Experience in online sales and understanding of e-commerce.
- Good communication skills, dynamic, creative.
- Able to work independently and in groups.

Affiliate Marketing Specialist:
- Experience in the field of affiliate marketing and online advertising.
- Good analytical and information synthesis skills.
- Excellent communication and negotiation skills.

Không chỉ bán về máy móc công trình/xây dựng ngoài ra còn bán về những mặt hàng dụng cụ đời sống trong gia đình Tham khảo cụ thể mặt hàng hơn trên shopee [Vietnamese] Không chỉ bán về máy móc công trình/xây dựng ngoài ra còn bán về những mặt hàng dụng cụ đời sống trong gia đình Tham khảo cụ thể mặt hàng hơn trên shopee
  3-9 million VND
  25-27 million VND
  12-15 million VND
  6-20 million VND
  6.5-12 million VND