
 Home  /  Ho Chi Minh City /  IT Software /  [Bình Thạnh/HCM] - JAVA DEVELOPER at Ho Chi Minh City - Viec Oi It Software Clients

[Bình Thạnh/HCM] - JAVA DEVELOPER at Ho Chi Minh City - Viec Oi It Software Clients

20,000,000 - 45,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

■ JD
- Update, maintains and add new functions or feature to an existing Java application
- Understand and analyze the requirements
- Write well-design, testable and efficient code
- Schedule and report the progress of implementation: raise clarifications / issues / concerns regarding work output to the leader on time.
- Write working documentation
- Keep application are secure
- Review work to ensure follow the policies set for project
- Follow the company application development processes and standards
* Technical sử dụng trong dự án:
- Springboot
- Mongodb
- Grpc
- Microservice
- platform: Linux
- UI: Thymeleaf
• BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related field
• Work experience as a Senior Java Developer: ability to write and debug Java code, strong in core Java and Java8, Profound insight of Java and JEE internals (Classloading, Memory Management, Transaction management etc),
• Excellent knowledge of Object Oriented programming, concurrency patterns in Java
• Spring Boot, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Microservice
• Experience in design, building and development applications
• Experience write and optimize SQL query
• Knowledge about Devops (AWS – Amazon web service, Java web server – Maven, Tomcat, …)
• Good knowledge on Distributed and Microservice Patterns
• Good delegation and time management skills
• Problem solving abilities
• Excellent communication and organizational skills.
• Must show ability to learn in short period of time and work under pressure
• Ability to work immediately as well as in team environment

■Working time: Mon-Fri: 8h - 17h
- Không OT
■Other benefits:
- Bonus tháng 13
- Thử việc 85% lương
- Đóng bảo hiểm full lương
- Gói bảo hiểm sức khỏe cá nhân
- Khám sức khỏe định kỳ hằng năm
- Review lương 2 lần / năm vào tháng 4 và tháng 10
- Phụ cấp tiền ăn trưa 40K/ Ngày tính ngoài lương gross
- Party hằng tháng và year end cuối năm
IT jobs [Vietnamese] IT jobs
  10-20 million VND
  10-20 million VND
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  10-30 million VND
  10-20 million VND