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ACCOUNTANT at Ho Chi Minh City - Gadiac Asia

8,000,000 - 15,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 2 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

- Check and evaluate the project plan with the departments, ensure the goals of each project and the Company
- Manage and monitor the revenue, expenses, profit and loss of each project to ensure project efficiency according to the plan and regulations of the Company.
- Review project cash flow periodically (daily, weekly, monthly ...) between plan and reality.
- Check and approve payment based on actual implementation plan and progress
- Coordinating the management of receivables and payables, promptly handling irregularities in liquidity,
- Manage accounting documents, ensure payment vouchers are in compliance with accounting and finance laws
- Make and control the company's business plan, report on performance evaluation against the set plan
- Manage and control financial statements according to regulations, ensure periodical tax returns, annual tax finalization in accordance with current laws
- Other tasks as required
One of the important things to winning a game is teamwork. To us, achieving the goal of a campaign is more important than our profit because we understand that forming and managing a business is very hard. And our clients believed in us and give us the opportunity to help them develop their businesses. So, we have to learn from our clients every day to deepen our understanding of their insight. That’s our philosophy of sustainable business development. [Vietnamese] One of the important things to winning a game is teamwork. To us, achieving the goal of a campaign is more important than our profit because we understand that forming and managing a business is very hard. And our clients believed in us and give us the opportunity to help them develop their businesses. So, we have to learn from our clients every day to deepen our understanding of their insight. That’s our philosophy of sustainable business development.
  3-9 million VND
  8-12 million VND
  0.02-23 million VND
  23-35 million VND
  35-45 million VND