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After-sales staff at Hung Yen - Tiki Now Smartlogistic

6,500,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

1. Team Warranty & Exchange/refund:
- Receive products from customers, check products to identify errors.
- Based on the following factors: customer response time, product defects, giving directions for exchange/return/warranty handling for each specific case.
- Operation on exchange/return/warranty management system: processing and updating information for customers via email.
- Make calls to customers in necessary cases to ask for more information or exchange/suggest new treatment for guests.
- Contact NCC to track the progress of product exchange/return/warranty to ensure the warranty period is as committed to customers.
2. Team FD (Failed Delivery) (Cancellation handling):
- Receive return orders from shipping partners
- Co-check all products, make a compensation record for cases of damage caused by transportation
- Check and classify products in accordance with Tiki's sales standards
  5-7 million VND
  6-10 million VND
  7-10 million VND
  12-15 million VND
  6-15 million VND