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furniture desginer at Ha Noi - Vietstudio

7,000,000 - 20,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

- Design ideas for offices, showrooms, villas, apartments
- Surveying works, consulting on interior design
- 3D perspective design
- Deploy detailed technical drawings
- Protect the design plan with customers
- Closely coordinate with the production workshop and the construction and installation department to ensure the uniform design coordination for the construction and installation of the project.
- Participate in construction supervision and inspection throughout the design process to ensure the quality of the work in accordance with the design.
- Understanding of connection structure, ability to apply materials in drawings
  12-20 million VND
  7-12 million VND
  10-13 million VND

2D technical design staff

8-15 million VND
  8-15 million VND
  10-15 million VND