
 Home  /  Nghe An /  Architecture /  Interior Designer in Nghe An at Nghe An - Nội Thất Hdc

Interior Designer in Nghe An at Nghe An - Nội Thất Hdc

6,000,000 - 19,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

? Job description:

+ Work from Monday to Saturday, except holidays, New Year, death anniversary, funeral, ex-lover's wedding, etc. ⏰⏰

+ While at the company, you will be able to "touch" the most sophisticated new software ??

+ Occasionally you can also participate in brain-boosting offline sessions with all the young men and women ? of the company to "happy" with the craziest new ideas.

+ You will be free to criticize (not attack) your boss, leader, or manager to come up with designs that are "better than distilled water" to help the company reach far into the sky.

Job requirements:

+ You just need to be good at working and hardworking like a bee ? find honey.

+ You don't need to be good at writing good poetry, you don't need to know the price of gold, you don't need to know coins, you just need to draw well, be good at 3D... that's the company's best product.

+ You don't need experience, because we always have an "old bee" working hard to impart dedicated, enthusiastic and extremely cute practice tips (and of course absolutely no worries about old ghosts bullying you). new ghost!)

Công ty sản xuất và thiết kế nội thất, có xưởng và văn phòng tại Nghệ An. Thành lập năm 2013 [Vietnamese] Công ty sản xuất và thiết kế nội thất, có xưởng và văn phòng tại Nghệ An. Thành lập năm 2013
  9-15 million VND
  7-12 million VND