
 Home  /  Ho Chi Minh City /  IT Software /  Tester Automation - Việc Làm Tại Nhà at Ho Chi Minh City - Thlsoftwarecompany

Tester Automation - Việc Làm Tại Nhà at Ho Chi Minh City - Thlsoftwarecompany

7,000,000 - 9,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Programming languages, such as C# and Java
Mathematical aptitude and strong problem-solving skills
Excellent organisational and time management skills
Accuracy and attention to detail
An understanding of the latest trends and their role in a commercial environment
Teamwork skills, because most projects require input from individuals with different roles
Self-development skills to keep up to date with fast-changing trends
tesst [Vietnamese] tesst
  10-20 million VND
  10-20 million VND
  15-30 million VND
  10-30 million VND
  10-20 million VND