
Recruitment JAPANESE TRANSLATOR IN DA NANG at Da Nang - Viec Oi Client

11,000,000 - 23,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 2 to 3 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

■Job description:
• Translate articles posted on Fanpage (news, culture, customs, entertainment ..) to Japan.
• Search for ideas, write and post posts for website, Fanpage.
• Respond to customer messages from Japan.
• Communicate directly with Japanese customers to determine their requirements for the project.
• Read and understand project requirements from customers, select the necessary information and create instructions for the programming team.
• Check, manage project progress and quality, communicate information and confirm with customers if necessary.
• Responsible for delivering projects to customers on time and ensuring quality.
• Make reports at the request of superiors

• Priority 9x
• Level N2 or higher
• Have lived and worked in Japan for at least 2 years
• Knowledge of Web and IT
• Build office computer (Excel, word, ...)
• Under high work pressure, Hardworking, responsible for work.
• Capable of dealing with many tasks at the same time (hanlde multi-task)
• Having a development orientation in the field of IT
• Have a desire to return to Japan to work

■Salary:500 -1000 USD Gross

■Working time: Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 17:00

■Other benefits:
- 2 months probation: 85% salary
- Pay insurance at 50% of salary
- There are 12 days of full paid leave and unpaid leave per year.
- Personal insurance
- Review salary once/year
- Year-end bonus

Công ty tuyển dụng của Nhật Bản [Vietnamese] Việc Ơi có mặt ở Việt Nam vào năm 2016 với 100% vốn của Nhật Bản. Chuyên tư vấn, giới thiệu nhân sự, cung cấp công cụ Pandatest kiểm tra tính cách ứng viên đồng thời hỗ trợ tư vấn xây dựng tổ chức, đóng góp vào sự vận hành thành công của doanh nghiệp.

Japanese Translator (N2)

10-16 million VND
  10-16 million VND