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Graphic Designer at Ho Chi Minh City - Cor Phần Tập đoàn Kori Beauty

8,000,000 - 12,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Graphic Designer staff

JOB DESCRIPTION - Job description:
– Graphic design for Fanpage, E-commerce platform...
- Take photos/videos of products at the company's studio
– Edit product photos, edit print files.

Job requirements
- Have experience from 6 months
- Proficient in using graphic software: AI, Photoshop...
- Graduated from graphic design/fashion design/design related fields
- Young, dynamic, enthusiastic.
- Work location: Company office at Vinhomes District 9

- Income: 8 - 12 million + Holiday and Tet bonuses.
- Working at Vinhomes Grand Park, Nguyen Xien Street, City. Thu Duc.
- Lunch allowance, parking allowance, bonus on holidays and Tet.
- Working in a fashion company with rapid growth.
- Participate in skills training classes, personal development,...
- Professional, fun, positive working environment
- Annual trip/vacation with the company 1-2 times/year.
- Enjoy special treatment policies from the company (Bonus on purchases, Soft skills training, Free library, Travel, interesting Offline,...)

- Send your CV with a portfolio of projects the candidate has worked on.
Sample letter subject: Designer application - Full name.
Với kinh nghiệm hơn nhiều năm trong ngành thời trang, Gucatin tự hào là cung cấp những mẫu sản phẩm thời trang tốt nhất Việt Nam. [Vietnamese] Với kinh nghiệm hơn nhiều năm trong ngành thời trang, Gucatin tự hào là cung cấp những mẫu sản phẩm thời trang tốt nhất Việt Nam.
  7-12 million VND
  10-15 million VND
  10-15 million VND
  8-12 million VND
  8-12 million VND