
 Home  /  Nghe An /  Accounting / auditing /  Tax service accountant - Nghe An at Nghe An - Office360

Tax service accountant - Nghe An at Nghe An - Office360

6,000,000 - 8,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    2 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 3 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

1. Job Description
- Advising and guiding customers on tax and corporate law provisions.
- Controlling tax report data, monthly tax finalization of customers.
- Processing accounting data, preparing business results reports.
- Make monthly, quarterly and yearly tax declarations (VAT declaration, PIT, Financial statements, CIT finalization, PIT finalization), complete tax documents.
- Work with tax authorities and other agencies when required.
- Perform accounting work reports and other arising tasks as assigned by superiors.
2. Minimum working time:
- Commit to working for at least 3 years
- Form of commitment: Conditional labor contract
(Required: Candidates should consider when applying for this requirement.)
Office360 cung cấp: Dịch vụ tư vấn thuế - Kế toán trọn gói chuyên nghiệp. Đào tạo kế toán chuyên sâu. Dịch vụ tuyển dụng, phỏng vấn, cung ứng lao động Hotline: 0985622917 [Vietnamese] Office360 cung cấp: Dịch vụ tư vấn thuế - Kế toán trọn gói chuyên nghiệp. Đào tạo kế toán chuyên sâu. Dịch vụ tuyển dụng, phỏng vấn, cung ứng lao động Hotline:
  5-8 million VND
  7-15 million VND

Tax Accounting Specialist

10-16 million VND
  10-16 million VND