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General accounting - tax at Ha Noi - Hamemy

15,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 5 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

a. The organization proposes to promulgate regulations on financial management and internal expenditure management.
b. Develop professional processes, forms, accounting processes, payment settlement...
c. Synthesize information and data and prepare a report on the implementation of the financial plan to submit to the Company's Board of Directors. Advise on measures to optimize capital efficiency and balance capital sources in accordance with business requirements.
a. Check and review financial revenues/expenditures; State budget collection and payment obligations.
b. Monitor and supervise the process of using financial expenditures, purchasing assets and equipment. Detect cases of improper use of costs and assets and report and propose handling.
c. Organize and coordinate with relevant departments to collect and manage sales/service provision... and settle expenses for employees/partners/customers. Organize the management of the Company's funds/cash safes.
a. Directing the collection, processing of information, and accounting data of detailed accountants.
b. Receive, check and compare and balance data. Detect errors and guide and coordinate with detailed accounting to handle and make appropriate adjustments.
c. Prepare reports on business performance, financial statements, periodic/unscheduled balance sheets and provide detailed explanations to the board of directors.
d. Direct the provision of accounting information and data, storage and security of records, documents and related documents at the request of the Company's leadership and State management agencies.
Make financial plans, analyze and forecast the company's financial situation, propose financial solutions to achieve the highest efficiency.
- Perform other tasks as assigned by the Board of Directors
  7-10 million VND
  8-10 million VND
  8-10 million VND
  5.5-15 million VND
  5-8 million VND