
 Home  /  Ho Chi Minh City /  Retail / Wholesale /  Salesperson/cashier/packer at Ho Chi Minh City - Linh Hoàng

Salesperson/cashier/packer at Ho Chi Minh City - Linh Hoàng

6,000,000 - 11,000,000 VND
1,400,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Standing at the counter, selling and answering to customers
Packing products, cleaning shelves
Assistant staff in charge of customers
Age 19-55
Time: Shift 4 hours , 8 hours , 12 hours
Consider salary increase depending on capacity and working attitude, with food allowance, travel bonus if doing well
Support rotating shifts for students, housewives
Requirements: hard working, responsible in work
Benefits: 13th month salary, allowance
Sign a contract to enjoy the state's regime
Work close to home
The news that is still posted is still recruiting, recruiting directly
Candidates send cv to gmail or call directly to receive interview schedule

Phân phối và mua bán các sản phẩm tiêu dùng và sức khỏe làm đẹp [Vietnamese] Phân phối và mua bán các sản phẩm tiêu dùng và sức khỏe làm đẹp
  8-12 million VND
  7.5-9.3 million VND
  5.1-10 million VND

Business man

7-10 million VND
  7-10 million VND
  7-20 million VND