
 Home  /  Ho Chi Minh City /  Sales / Business /  Business man at Ho Chi Minh City - Cửa Prodoor

Business man at Ho Chi Minh City - Cửa Prodoor

8,000,000 - 20,000,000 VND
5,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Specific work:
- Introduce and sell the company's door products to customers
- Taking care of old customers through online / physical channels
- Searching and expanding the market through company channels
Job requirements:
- Clearly voice
- Knowing use office computer
- Have a means of transportation
- Age 18-30
- Normal health
Submit CV by email: Or apply in person: 899 Tan Ky Tan Quy, Ward BHH A, Binh Tan District, HCM
Chuyên sản xuất và cung cấp các lại cửa: - Cửa nhựa composite - Cửa gỗ HDF phủ PVC/MELAMIN - Cửa kính cao cấp [Vietnamese] Chuyên sản xuất và cung cấp các lại cửa: - Cửa nhựa composite - Cửa gỗ HDF phủ PVC/MELAMIN - Cửa kính cao cấp
  5-7 million VND
  5-7 million VND
  8-20 million VND
  8-12 million VND
  6-7 million VND