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Business man at Ho Chi Minh City - Deborah Home

9,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    2 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 2 year
  • Gender:
  •  Level:

Job Description

- Maintain existing business relationships, seek to expand the list of customers.
- Make weekly and monthly work plan, follow the plan to achieve the sales target.
- Understand the products the company is distributing, similar products, products of competitors.
- Understand the customer contact process, information complaint handling process, customer information receipt and settlement process, fully record according to the tables of these processes.
- Contact with customers and record all customer information in customer contact reports. Report the content of customer contact during the day to the Sales Manager
- Directly perform, urge the performance of the contract, comply with the implementation process of the company.
- Receive and handle customer complaints
- Follow up the contract liquidation process, support the accounting department to urge the debt.
- Perform other duties as directed by the sales manager and the company's board of directors.
- Customer care:
+ Customer care during sales and after sales.
+ Implementation of contracts, related documents
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