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E-commerce floor operator at Ha Noi - Bq Việt Nam

10,000,000 - 25,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    5 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 0 to 1 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

  • In charge of sales activities on Facebook
  • In charge of managing and operating e-commerce floors (Lazada, shopee, tiki, tiktok)
  • Manage, update content, images, descriptions of products
  • Consulting customers, receiving customer feedback and providing customer service solutions
  • Handling problems related to welding orders

  • Male and female, age 23 and up
  • College graduate or higher, preferably in e-commerce & economics
  • Have a personal laptop
  • At least 1 year of experience in operating and doing business on e-commerce platforms: Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, tiktok shop. Knowing livestream is an advantage
  • Basic photo and video editing skills
  • Have the skills to run ads inside and outside the floor.
  • Income: Hard salary 6,000,000 VND + commission bonus from 2% - 4% of monthly revenue. Average from 10,000,000 VND to 30,000,000 VND
  • Social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance regimes according to the State's regulations
  • Holidays and New Year holidays according to the regulations of the Company.
  • Traveling twice a year, birthday, sickness, filial piety, etc.
  • Fun, sociable working environment, many development opportunities, comfortable boss.
Working time: Administrative shift: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (1.5 hour lunch break) from Monday to Saturday morning
Address: 885 Tam Trinh, Gelexia Hoang Mai building, Hanoi.
    Công Ty Cổ phần B&Q Việt Nam là công ty chuyên kinh doanh các mặt hàng gia dụng. Mỗi ngày, B&Q đã cung cấp ra ngoài thị trường hàng ngàn sản phẩm ra thị trường với mạng lưới khách hàng sỉ và lẻ rộng lớn khắp toàn quốc. Công ty Cổ phần B&Q Việt Nam được thành lập từ nămlúc đầu còn non trẻ với đôi ngũ nhân viên nhỏ 05 cán bộ nhân viên điều hành và 1 kho bãi, đến nay tập thể Công ty Cổ phần B&Q Việt Nam đã có 50 cán bộ công nhân viên điều hành và 3 kho hàng rộng hàng nghìn mét vuông. Công ty Cổ phần B&Q Việt Nam với quy mộ hiện tại sẽ đáp ứng nhanh chóng các yêu cầu làm hài lòng khách hàng. B&Q Vietnam Joint Stock Company is a company specializing in trading household goods. Every day, B&Q has supplied thousands of products to the market with a large network of wholesale and retail customers nationwide. B&Q Vietnam Joint Stock Company was established at a young age with a small staff of 5 operating staff and 1 warehouse, up to now, B&Q Vietnam Joint Stock Company has 50 employees. operating staff and 3 warehouses of thousands of square meters. B&Q Vietnam Joint Stock Company with its current size will quickly respond to customer satisfaction requirements.
      7-12 million VND
      0.02-23 million VND
      23-35 million VND
      7-10 million VND
      19-28 million VND