
 Home  /  Da Nang /  Business/ executive /  OFFICE SECTOR SMALL OFFICE HOURS at Da Nang - Bhnt Prudential Tại Việt Nam

OFFICE SECTOR SMALL OFFICE HOURS at Da Nang - Bhnt Prudential Tại Việt Nam

4,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

- Build, plan to develop customer system, develop a team of consultants;
- Support for internal meetings of the Company;
- Support to organize the implementation of seminars, conferences, classes of the Company;
- Listen and receive calls from customers contacting the Company;
- Receive documents sent to the company, and transfer to relevant departments for settlement;
- Support the sales department to perform the work at the office;
- Participate directly in searching, consulting, supporting and taking care of customers about information about the Company's products.
  8-15 million VND
  10-25 million VND
  5-7 million VND
  7-9 million VND
  7-10 million VND