
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Marketing /  Content Creator Leader at Ha Noi - Diệu Minh Anh

Content Creator Leader at Ha Noi - Diệu Minh Anh

8,000,000 - 15,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    10 people
  • Degree:
    Not required
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 1 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

  • Manage and lead a content creation team to develop digital media projects, including articles, videos, images and other digital content.
  • Plan and strategize content to enhance audience engagement and engagement on online platforms.
  • Coordinate with relevant departments such as marketing, design and production to ensure content reflects the brand message and achieves the highest efficiency.
  • Monitor content quality , ensuring consistency and creativity in media products.
  • Research and update new trends in the field of content creation and digital marketing to apply to content strategy.
  • Training and developing skills for members of the content creation team.
  • Track and evaluate the effectiveness of content campaigns, using analytics tools to measure and improve performance.

DIEU MINH ANH LTD is the fast-growing E-commerce business that specializing in global E-commerce (200% increase in sales in 1 year) in the US, Australia and Europeans markets. At DIEU MINH ANH LTD, we believe that everyone is connected. Somewhere on the earth, there is always someone who shares the same mindset as you. The question is “How to connect your ideas to your like-minded people?” Our core values are HUSTLE - HUNGRY (for knowledge) - HUMBLE - HAPPY- HONEST and we are looking for talen [Vietnamese] DIEU MINH ANH LTD is the fast-growing E-commerce business that specializing in global E-commerce (200% increase in sales in 1 year) in the US, Australia and Europeans markets. At DIEU MINH ANH LTD, we believe that everyone is connected. Somewhere on the earth, there is always someone who shares the same mindset as you. The question is “How to connect your ideas to your like-minded people?” Our core values are HUSTLE - HUNGRY (for knowledge) - HUMBLE - HAPPY- HONEST and we are looking for talen
  7-12 million VND
  0.02-23 million VND
  23-35 million VND
  7-10 million VND
  19-28 million VND