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General human resources specialist at Ho Chi Minh City - Sx -tm Nam đô

12,000,000 - 15,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 2 to 3 year
  • Gender:
  •  Level:

Job Description

- Recruit personnel and supervise appropriate recruitment activities according to the development needs of the company and each department.
- Organize and coordinate training for new personnel and improve professional qualifications for employees;
- Manage the reception of successful candidates;
- Develop and implement salary and bonus regulations, performance evaluation regulations and other measures to encourage and stimulate employees to work with high efficiency.
- Organize and perform administrative work according to functions and duties and at the request of the Board of Directors.
- Develop regulations for management and use of assets, planning related to the use of the company's assets and equipment.
- Develop plans and organize and supervise the implementation of security and order, labor safety, labor hygiene and fire and explosion prevention.
- Act as the main focal point to coordinate with departments to build and improve the organizational apparatus, departmental structure and research and draft a system of regulations, processes, regulations, roles and responsibilities of departments. boards, job descriptions, and job instructions for job positions; Edit training documents and employee handbooks.
- Advise and advise the Board of Directors on the management, arrangement and use of personnel as well as plans for effective personnel use of departments.
- Advise and advise the Board of Directors on developing salary regulations, bonuses and remuneration policies for employees.
- Consulting and advising the board of directors to build a culture of conduct and professional ethics in the company.
- Recommend to the Board of Directors measures to handle units that violate the Company's regulations in areas within the scope of management functions of the Human Resources Administration Department.
- Support other Departments in human resource management and act as a bridge between the Board of Directors and Employees in the Company.
- Support relevant departments on training, employee evaluation, personnel recruitment methods... Support related departments on administrative work.
- Perform other tasks requested by the Board of Directors.

- Wage agreement
- Bonus on holidays, New Year, 13th month salary, birthday, gifts March 8, October 20, weddings... according to company policies
- Work in a professional, dynamic, creative environment;
- Be provided with appropriate equipment for the job;
- Have the right to propose improvements to salary, bonus, welfare, etc. regimes and policies in accordance with reality and law.
- Annual travel and vacation with the company
Sx -Tm Nam Đô là công ty Cổ phần đang hoạt động lĩnh vực Kế toán, Kiểm toán tại TPHCM. Hiện tại chúng tôi đang cần tuyển vị trị trí "Nhân viên kế toán ( ngành sản xuất)" với các kỹ năng như Chính Xác, Chủ Động, Xử lý số liệu. Bạn sẽ được hưởng các chế độ phúc lợi như Chế độ Thưởng, Cơ Hội Phát Triển Chuyên Nghiệp khi làm việc tại Sx -Tm Nam Đô . [Vietnamese] Sx -Tm Nam Đô là công ty Cổ phần đang hoạt động lĩnh vực Kế toán, Kiểm toán tại TPHCM. Hiện tại chúng tôi đang cần tuyển vị trị trí "Nhân viên kế toán ( ngành sản xuất)" với các kỹ năng như Chính Xác, Chủ Động, Xử lý số liệu. Bạn sẽ được hưởng các chế độ phúc lợi như Chế độ Thưởng, Cơ Hội Phát Triển Chuyên Nghiệp khi làm việc tại Sx -Tm Nam Đô .
  4-6 million VND
  18-20 million VND
  7-10 million VND
  7-8 million VND
  14-17 million VND