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Experts collect consensus on health sector data at Binh Duong - Veeva System

6,000,000 - 15,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Job description:

  • To ensure compliance with Decree 13/2023/ND-CP of the Government on personal data protection, Veeva Systems Inc. Need to ask medical staff for permission for the company to collect medical practice information of medical staff from public sources on the internet. The list of collected information is in the company introduction file below. (Even if information is publicly posted on the internet, consent is still required to collect);
  • Data is taken by the Company from sources such as: websites of Provincial Health Departments, Ministry of Health; Medical Practice Management page; open sources such as websites and Facebook of clinics and hospitals; Other medical open sources. The data source is completely legal, does not include sensitive personal information;
  • The Company has a separate department to collect data from the above sources, and the consent collection specialist does not need to ask for any information from medical staff but only needs to ask for consent to allow the Company to collect their information ;
  • The data will be used by major pharmaceutical companies in the world such as Pfizer, Boehringer, Bayer, which are direct partners of Veeva, to contact them to provide information about new drugs and invite medical staff to visit. Attend medical and pharmaceutical conferences, emergency drug recall announcements, etc

Specific work:

The company will:

  • Send a list of hospitals/clinics and a list of medical staff there (only doctors/pharmacists, not nurses, midwives, etc.) to specialists in the province;
  • Provide referrals from pharmaceutical companies, employee ID card with your name, Veeva System Inc. company profile, data collection consent form for the doctor/pharmacist to sign and confirm, and all also other necessary documents;

You will:

  • Responsible for a province (for large provinces, there will be many people), must travel and work in all districts and cities in the province according to the list received, and need to work with all doctors /assigned pharmacist , not just random meetings with a few people (starting with medical facilities near where you live, then gradually expanding to the surrounding area);
  • Contact, make an appointment and visit the medical staff according to the information provided (via phone, email, Zalo, etc.). Usually, we will contact the leadership to ask for permission, then go to the departments to meet directly with the doctors/pharmacists;
  • Communicate, explain, provide information about the Company and collect consent from medical staff for the Company's collection and processing of data related to their medical practice;
  • Introduce and clarify the benefits of the company's data products to medical staff;
  • Address questions or feedback regarding data consent.

Công ty Veeva System Inc. là một công ty phần mềm và dữ liệu đang phát triển nhanh chóng với sự hiện diện toàn cầu, đang tìm kiếm những người làm việc tự do năng động nói tiếng Việt tham gia vào nhóm của chúng tôi. Trọng tâm của chúng tôi là tương tác với cộng đồng y tế tại Việt Nam để đảm bảo sự đồng ý về dữ liệu cho các dự án của chúng tôi. [Vietnamese] Công ty Veeva System Inc. là một công ty phần mềm và dữ liệu đang phát triển nhanh chóng với sự hiện diện toàn cầu, đang tìm kiếm những người làm việc tự do năng động nói tiếng Việt tham gia vào nhóm của chúng tôi. Trọng tâm của chúng tôi là tương tác với cộng đồng y tế tại Việt Nam để đảm bảo sự đồng ý về dữ liệu cho các dự án của chúng tôi.
  7-11 million VND
  8-12 million VND
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