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Accounting and auditing at Hai Duong - Cpxd - Bđs Hoàng Kim

15,000,000 - 20,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 3 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

• Check, sign and approve payment vouchers related to the title of Chief Accountant according to regulations.
• Organization of the accounting apparatus; Implement accounting/statistical work in accordance with the job requirements, comply with the company's regulations and the law on accounting regime, financial policy, tax...
• Organize the complete and timely implementation of financial statements, tax reports, tax finalization, and statistical reports in accordance with the company's regulations and the law.
• Other jobs related to the title of Chief Accountant as prescribed.
• Provide professional guidance for the company's PKT staff in accordance with the law on accounting and tax.
• Proposing recruitment of PKT personnel and interviewing/evaluating candidates;
• Self-training and self-development; on-the-job training and employee development.
• Proposing work processes and management regulations to improve management and administration.
• Representing the unit to work with tax authorities, banks, auditors...
• Organize the preservation and storage of documents and documents according to regulations.
• Other jobs as required by the Board of Directors of the company
• Sign for approval of reports and documents related to assigned and authorized functions and tasks; reserves the right to refuse to sign for approval if the documents are not reasonable, valid or do not comply with the company's regulations.
• Have the right to request relevant individuals/departments with sufficient information and documents in a timely manner to perform the work.
• Assign work to PKT staff; Evaluate employees, propose and reward, raise wages, discipline, transfer, promote, recruit or fire employees under their management in accordance with the capacity and requirements of the job.
• To participate in training programs, professional development, update information and knowledge organized by the Company or outside to serve the work.
• Education: University or college majoring in finance, accounting.
• Computer skills: Proficient in office computing
• Skills: Understanding relevant laws
• Have good communication and communication skills
• Ability to work independently
• Experience: At least 5 years in the field of construction – Real estate
• Personality: Careful, diligent, honest, cheerful, sociable.
• Professional working style.
• Physical and health: Good enough to work
• Gender: Male or Female
• Age:
Full social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance benefits according to regulations
Công ty hoạt động trong lĩnh vưc bất động sản và thi công công trình [Vietnamese] Công ty hoạt động trong lĩnh vưc bất động sản và thi công công trình
  7-9 million VND
  8-15 million VND