
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Sales / Business /  Head of Sales (LEADER SALE) at Ha Noi - Học Viên Blue Sky

Head of Sales (LEADER SALE) at Ha Noi - Học Viên Blue Sky

10,000,000 - 25,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Products: Football training, Nutritional products for children
Recruiting, building a team of sales staff, planning activities and promoting sales of the Team in charge.
Define customer personas and target customers for each stage.
Finding customers, making plans for sales to approach customers
Training sales skills, product knowledge for Sales
Directly meet, close and take care of major partners
Monitor Sales' daily work progress, achievement statistics, salary proposals, bonuses, rewards, dismissals of Sales
Responsible for KPIs of team revenue and revenue of each sales, debt collection.
Developing a community of B2B and B2C customers for the company.
Report and develop weekly work plan.
  7-12 million VND
  6-25 million VND
  7-9 million VND
  8-30 million VND
  8-15 million VND