
 Home  /  Ho Chi Minh City /  Accounting / auditing /  Nhân viên Hành chính Nhân sự kiêm Kế toán at Ho Chi Minh City - Gle Logistics Việt Nam

Nhân viên Hành chính Nhân sự kiêm Kế toán at Ho Chi Minh City - Gle Logistics Việt Nam

8,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    1 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 5 year
  • Gender:
  •  Level:

Job Description

- Thực hiện các công việc hành chính: theo dõi, quản lý cơ sở vật chất, thiết bị văn phòng và các chi phí liên quan
- Thực hiện chấm công, tính phép hàng tháng
- Theo dõi, cập nhật hồ sơ nhân viên, soạn thảo hợp đồng lao động.
- Thực hiện và giải quyết thủ tục, chế độ BHXH
- Tuyển dụng nhân sự khi có yêu cầu
- Hỗ trợ các công việc của phòng Kế toán: theo dõi công nợ, làm lệnh thanh toán, nhập dữ liệu thu chi vào hệ thống…
- Các công việc khác theo yêu cầu của quản lý.
GLE Logistics (Vietnam) Co., Ltd is an International Freight Forwarding Company providing logistics services, in order to provide reliable and professional logistics solutions to customers, we are constantly integrating latest technology in our systems. Established in 2012, with the Head office in Ho Chi Minh City and a Branch office in Hai Phong City, Vietnam, GLE Logistics Vietnam has forged strong relationships with our partners and clients. As an Integrated Logistics Provider with an in-depth understanding of local market combined with advanced management system. We have established our positions in the domestic as well as international market. We offer innovation, simple to use friendly programs for customers. We are constantly providing our staffs with new training and relevant work experience. Because it is them that drive out team, and it is this team that delivers quality service, ahead of the rest. [Vietnamese] GLE Logistics (Vietnam) Co., Ltd is an International Freight Forwarding Company providing logistics services, in order to provide reliable and professional logistics solutions to customers, we are constantly integrating latest technology in our systems. Established in 2012, with the Head office in Ho Chi Minh City and a Branch office in Hai Phong City, Vietnam, GLE Logistics Vietnam has forged strong relationships with our partners and clients. As an Integrated Logistics Provider with an in-depth understanding of local market combined with advanced management system. We have established our positions in the domestic as well as international market. We offer innovation, simple to use friendly programs for customers. We are constantly providing our staffs with new training and relevant work experience. Because it is them that drive out team, and it is this team that delivers quality service, ahead of the rest.
  12-15 million VND
  12-15 million VND
  9-12 million VND
  13-15 million VND
  10-15 million VND