
 Home  /  Long An /  Accounting / auditing /  Clerk at Long An - Mtv Sigma Long An

Clerk at Long An - Mtv Sigma Long An

7,000,000 - 13,500,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Job description
- Record all Company transactions, enter information from documents such as invoices, receipts, receipts and record into the accounting system.
- Handle accounting related to income, expenses, assets, liabilities, liabilities and other payables according to accounting principles.
- Prepare periodic financial reports, including profit and loss reports, cash flow reports and asset and capital reports.
- Perform checks and analyzes of accounts and accounting data to ensure accuracy and logic.
- Make cash receipts and payments, check payments of related departments.
- Financial reports, cash flow, annual tax settlement.
- Other tasks as assigned by the chief accountant and the Board of Directors.

- Graduated with major in accounting. Grasp and understand accounting regulations and account accounting methods.
- Careful, meticulous, honest.
- Have experience working in manufacturing companies.
- Can withstand work pressure.
Công ty chuyên sản xuất các mặt hàng khăn lông từ Dệt may. Quy trình sản xuất gồm: Nhập sợi - Hồ sợi - Dệt - Tẩy/ Nhuộm/ In - Cắt - May - Đóng gói - Xuất khẩu sang các nước Nhật, Trung, và Các Quốc gia tại Châu Âu. [Vietnamese] Công ty chuyên sản xuất các mặt hàng khăn lông từ Dệt may. Quy trình sản xuất gồm: Nhập sợi - Hồ sợi - Dệt - Tẩy/ Nhuộm/ In - Cắt - May - Đóng gói - Xuất khẩu sang các nước Nhật, Trung, và Các Quốc gia tại Châu Âu.
  8-12 million VND
  9-12 million VND
  7-12 million VND
  7-8 million VND
  10.5-17.5 million VND