
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Freight / Logistics / Warehouse /  Warehouse and delivery staff at Ha Noi - Cổ Phẩn Check In Việt Nam

Warehouse and delivery staff at Ha Noi - Cổ Phẩn Check In Việt Nam

6,000,000 - 9,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

• Inventory and manage the quantity of exported, imported and stored goods
• Checking the quality and preserving products in the warehouse.
• Carry out the rotation of goods as required.
• Reporting and summarizing import and export data.
• Shipping products to customers buying in the inner city.
  6 million VND
  10-15 million VND
  5-10 million VND
  4 million VND
  3-5 million VND