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Business man at Hai Phong - Cp Sản Xuất Bao Bì Việt Long

6,000,000 - 10,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    3 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 2 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

Main jobs

* Search and develop market

– Access to new customer information: Collect information (company name, address, tax code, date of establishment, business registration, production potential, ability to pay…)

+ Collect product information: form, specification, material, design, printing......

Set up quotes sent to customers.
* Design consultancy
– Carton, Offset design consultancy, directly making and censoring complex printed products.

– Draw molds for die-cutting knives, complex items.
* Analysis
– Combined with technical department: Analyze customer samples, difficulty and ease of products, offer the most optimal solution to have corresponding materials, product orientation so that it is easy to make, easy to mass-produce, after That salute sample to Customer.
* Follow up – Urging
– Monitor information affecting output fluctuations of assigned customers.

- Urging the progress of assigned guests.

- Reconcile debts, collect debts of assigned customers.
* Negotiation - planning
– Track and estimate the customer's order plan, negotiate the monthly order plan so that CTy can be proactive in production as well as proactive in terms of progress.
* Resolve complaints
– Receive customer complaints about unsatisfactory, non-conforming products, with the technical department – KCS analyzes the causes, to offer remedial measures.

– Directly go to the customer company to check the complaint, explain the cause, offer remedial measures.
Perform other tasks
- Perform other tasks as assigned by superiors.
  8-9 million VND
  8-15 million VND
  16-22.5 million VND
  10-20 million VND
  5 million VND