
 Home  /  Binh Dinh /  Manufacturing / Process /  DRAWING TECHNICAL STAFF at Binh Dinh - Sản Xuất Hàng Ttnt Thái Thịnh

DRAWING TECHNICAL STAFF at Binh Dinh - Sản Xuất Hàng Ttnt Thái Thịnh

9,000,000 - 12,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    2 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 2 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

  • Receive sample and mass orders from the Planning Department.
  • Draw 2D, 3D, AI computer simulations to guide assembly, illustrate details, assemblies and products, check size, location, assembly method, technical requirements of the details, assemblies and products.
  • Prepare a detailed list of wood specifications and accessories (BOM) of the product and send it to the Planning Department.
  • Check dimensions, take photos of sample and mass-produced goods at the Factory.
  10-15 million VND
  6-10 million VND