
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Sales / Business /  TELESALE Employee Recruitment at Ha Noi - Tna

TELESALE Employee Recruitment at Ha Noi - Tna

6,000,000 - 30,000,000 VND
5,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Contact customers by phone to advise on products and services of the clinic, close preliminary sales by phone
 Make an appointment and confirm the customer's appointment
Take care of old customers, customers who have not yet come to the clinic to schedule an appointment
Taking care of customers according to the marketing campaign.
 Coordinate with other departments and departments to complete the work well
Công ty hoạt động về lĩnh vực Thẩm Mỹ làm đẹp [Vietnamese] Công ty hoạt động về lĩnh vực Thẩm Mỹ làm đẹp
  7-12 million VND
  6-25 million VND
  7-9 million VND
  8-30 million VND
  8-15 million VND