
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Telecommunication /  Corporate Customer Specialist (VNPT VinaPhone Telecom) at Ha Noi - Tổng Dịch Vụ Viễn Thông Vinaphone

Corporate Customer Specialist (VNPT VinaPhone Telecom) at Ha Noi - Tổng Dịch Vụ Viễn Thông Vinaphone

25,000,000 - 30,000,000 VND
5,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

  • Amount of Vacancies:
    20 people
  • Degree:
  •  Experiences:
    From 1 to 5 year
  • Gender:
    No gender requirement
  •  Level:

Job Description

- Searching for customers, consulting telecommunications and IT products and services for business customers.
- Taking care of, consulting and resolving customer complaints.
- Coordinating the implementation of service provision for customers.

- Strong communication, negotiation, persuasion and relationship building skills.
- Have a passion for sales.
- Confident, agile, persistent.
- Male/Female aged 20-35, graduated from high school or higher.
- Experience/knowledge in the field of telecommunications - IT, infrastructure engineering is preferred.

- Income: CB salary + % of sales, income based on ability up to 300 million/year.
- Probationary for 2 months, enjoy 100% salary + pay social insurance and health insurance according to state regulations
- Professional, proactive and friendly environment.
- Be trained with direct guidance on job skills and professions
- Special bonus, quarterly bonus, annual bonus, Tet holiday, industry establishment day, travel, annual vacation...

VNPT VinaPhone là đơn vị thành viên của Tập đoàn Bưu chính Viễn thông Việt Nam (VNPT) là đơn vị kinh doanh chủ lực và có vai trò quan trọng trong chuỗi giá trị của Tập đoàn VNPT. VNPT VinaPhone có mạng lưới kinh doanh trên 7.000 nhân viên kinh doanh và hơn 103.000 điểm kinh doanh trên khắp 63 tỉnh Thành phố. VNPT VinaPhone is a member unit of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT), which is a key business unit and plays an important role in the value chain of VNPT Group. VNPT VinaPhone has a business network of sales staff and more than business points across 63 cities and provinces.
  14-25 million VND
  6-12 million VND


8-12 million VND
  8-12 million VND
  9-15 million VND
  10-15 million VND