
 Home  /  Ha Noi /  Educations /  Hanoi University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ha Noi - Trường Cao đẳng Y Dược Tuệ Tĩnh Hà Nội

Hanoi University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ha Noi - Trường Cao đẳng Y Dược Tuệ Tĩnh Hà Nội

6,000,000 - 20,000,000 VND

Recruitment Information

Working conditions

Job Description

Hanoi Tue Tinh College of Medicine and Pharmacy announces recruitment of positions to meet management needs, enrollment in 2023 as follows:
1. Recruitment position:
- 02 staff of the training room
- 05 Management staff of students
- 10 Admissions Officers
- 20 recruitment collaborators

2. Requirements:
- Age between 22 - 29 years old..
- Good presentation and communication skills
- Know how to use a computer and have a laptop
- Agile, enthusiastic, dynamic
- Weak expertise will be trained.
- Having expertise in Real Estate, Insurance, Business Administration, Pedagogy, Medicine is an advantage

3. Mode
- Working in a friendly and professional environment of School, Education, and many opportunities for career advancement.
- Income (hard salary + sales + bonus) average income 7-15 million/month
- Working time: during office hours.
- After the probationary period, you will be paid insurance and guaranteed benefits according to the provisions of the State and the Labor Law.
4. Request for records
- Job application
- Curriculum vitae (stamped bordered by the local government).
- Household registration, identity card (notarized photocopies)
- Relevant certificates.
- Photo student card (for candidates who are students of CTV enrollment)
- Accept photo documents at the time of interview.
5.Contact Address
* Candidates contact directly Tel:
Or send your CV to email : Work place : in Thanh Xuan , Tran Phu - Ha Dong - Hanoi
giáo dục , đào tạo các lớp chinh quy, ngắn hạn [Vietnamese] giáo dục , đào tạo các lớp chinh quy, ngắn hạn
  7-10 million VND
  15-20 million VND
  10-30 million VND
  15-26 million VND
  9-12 million VND